Friday, 4 July 2008

Ilha may be wednesday or thursday, July some time...?

drinks in the evening with a couple fo Ilha Grande´s boatmen drunkards has led to cathrina drawing up a contract with them on a scrunched piece of the paper on the table. This contract says that we can turn up the next day for a boat trip around the island and they include fruit in their price of 20 reals. Good price. They stuck to it, took us out and gave us fruit. The drunkard from the night was drinking tequila all day. He was hammered. Their boss was away so he wanted to take advantage of his drinking time. He chose Vicki to be his girlfriend and hugged her alot. She took it well. The girls looked nervous when the captain let me take the wheel a few times. I was moved away when we came to the docks even though it looked pretty easy to do, where´s the faith!? Ok, I suppose they did get another more experienced man to dock us but how will I ever learn if I never try? Sue, I guess I´ll wait until I sail with you one year.

The drinks last night made me just as drunk as the two boatmen. I left earlier than my roomy and found the dog huddled up against our door. The poor dog smelt so much that I heard myself making a deal with her ¨You can only come in if you are clean, and you aren´t clean, I have to clean you to let you in and it´s too cold to shower you out here. You can come in but only for a wash¨ I took the dog in to our shower and used two soap bars on her. One wash wasn´t enough for Lexi, she still had a stench. I gave her a second scrub, dried her off with my hotel towel and pushed her outside smelling better but still not good. I held off from telling clare what I had done until the morning when she asked me why I had left my towels outside. She was not impressed but still wasn´t angry with me. I was expecting a battle field because she hates dogs, especially ther smelly one with fleas.

Somehow Ellie guessed what happened because Lexi had a spring in her step and now had a friend. Still, none of the girls could stand her being around because no matter how hard I tried to clean her the night before, the smell was still there. Ever since this night my head has the odd itch and I worry a little... I´m sure I don´t have nits... well I hope I don´t. Some of the girls had cold showers in their rooms and were hoping to use ours because it was a warm shower. They changed their minds. Funnily enough, so did I. I went showerless for a day. Clare braved the shower, now I´m in shock.


Oliver said...

You took Lexi with you to Ilha Grande?!??!

I was under the impression you had found her (or she had found you) in Rio. :-)


Becky said...

Lisa you make me laugh SO much!!!!! Poor soapy dog! careful of the fleas - of just using santizier and of rabies!!!


Ellie said...

sweet.. did the dog enjoy the wash?

Hayley said...

Washy! Poor, lonely Lexi, you were kind. I hope she is okay (and stops smelling!) xxx

Oliver said...

Lisa baby... where are you?! How are you doing? How is the trip going?

Send us news soon. xoxo

Lisa in a dream said...

Nah! I found her in Illa Grande, Brazil.

There are a lot of stray dogs around the whole of south america! Yesterday I met someone who actually eats dogs to stop them from hassling horses, yet he keps a cat! More about that later...

I'm in Santiago, sorry I've not been keeping up with the blog, it's not easy to stop doing things and sit at a computer. Will try to update you with more soon.

Love you all xxxx

Lisa in a dream said...

ps. ellie, lexi was a very happy doggy after that wash. I bet right now she is unbareably scratching herself all over wishing someone else would wash her, unfortunately very few people in this world would touch her & those people aren't on that small island right now. Poor lexi.