Friday, 15 August 2008

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh awe urgh!

Excitedly Clare and I galloped off to round up a small bunch of sheep. Clare went up the hill and I went down towards a stream losing vision of eachother. My horse awkwardly stepped over the stream and bounced up the small hill on the other side loosening my harness. At the top of this ditch, Thunder patiently stood still while my whole body slid to the right. I reached to my left, grabbing on to the falling saddle which only helped it slide... slowly.... for about two minutes. After trying several launches to my left and looking at my watch, I finally fell off. Riding a black beauty, a guacho appeared from nowhere. The slightly silhouetted guacho smiled at me, took my hand and gracefully helped me stand up. He fixed my saddle and rode off in to the sun. I wish someone had seen that.

Sheep run in the opposite direction as you, with other sheep. They are easy to fool. Once one gets an idea of a direction, they all go that way. With a little persuasion they ran in to the pen for counting, we ignored the sheep and picked up all off the cute kicking lambs with arms strength for Juan. He castrated some males and chopped the tails off the females that he would breed from later. He offered us the option to do the deeds. The brutality was too much, out of the pen I ignored the choppings by chasing the escapee lambs and sheep. One escapee had blood all over it and a big lump the size of a small football in its neck. Juan pierced it with a penknife and squeezed a litre of yellow puss out of it. The poor lamb would have died in a few days but now it is living life, eating grass.

Deep in the dark night, in the middle of no mans land, there was a very loud scream in the ranch house. Everyone heard it and stayed in bed. Safest place, no? The next day Carla told us she openned her eyes to see a black gaping arm surrounding her in the dark, Leah had been leaning over her to get something.

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