Saturday, 16 August 2008

Tango, and then there was....

Vicky and Ellie gave me many reasons not to be a vegetarian. Still upset about the no cake incidient, I wanted to be converted. They hadn´t convinced me, yet. For three years my thinking has been that if I couldn´t kill it I can´t eat it, and I can kill fish so I eat them. A random girl at the hostel brought it back to stone age for me. Women back then didn´t need to kill it themselves anyway, the men always did it, and essentially, these jobs have stayed in the man´s hands in the modern world. Oh my I was desperate not to eat another cheese and tomato toastie. It had been difficult to get my hands on fish too. That night I went out and ate mexican with the girls. They took pictures of me eating my first beef fajita. I didn´t like it, it seemed pointless to have killed a cow for a meal like that. But I had started so I may as well try a steak tomorrow, that´s what everyone has passion for over here. The next night we watched a Tango show, dinner came, and I ate steak. I never thought I´d give in but I ate steak. I really did eat steak. It was ok. You can tell in the photos that I´m not enjoying the idea but feel the need to get myself off those toasties and healthier, if that means eating steak then so be it.

After dinner Tango became a dance off between audience members and the show dancers. Vicky was pulled up, she is so gorgeous that everyone in sight always clocks her. Having never seen tango before Vicky still got through it. Then on came karaoki. We were called up by the man with the microphone, he was too loud to ignore and Vicky wanted payback, she pushed me, Ellie and Chris towards the stage. We said as many words on the screen as we could before they disappeared... a song that none of us had heard before, in spanish, and I have photographic evidence. The Spanish audience gave us a loving smiley cheer and clap the whole time. Occasionally, not knowing exactly what we were saying, or more how to say it, brought a roar of spanish laughter. Relieved of duty, a band came on playing spanish, english and tango music, we joined the conga line twice and danced with lots of stangers. What a night.

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