Saturday, 16 August 2008

Bike it drunk... walk it cold.

Vicky and Ellie greeted me with huge smiles when I met them in Mendoza. I´d been on an overnight bus ride and had a small cold. Regardless, I went on a vineyard bike ride with them and a couple of guys. We rode to vineyards, tested wine, got drunk and continued the 11k drunken ride on the roads meant for cars. Ace! On the way back we stopped at a chocolate factory, a lady who worked there could see my happiness and gave me a free chocolate bar. Imagine my joy!

Lots of stray dogs were following us. We gained another pet dog that was being bullied by the others. He was safe with us. They followed us for hours. Us three had caught a bus to the middle of nowhere. There are two buses to get there in the morning and two buses leaving in the evening. Climbing rocks and walking showed us an incredible landscape of mountains caped in snow overviewing a large lake and a dangerous no pass area which our innocents Vicky and Ellie wanted to go through even though the danger sign revealed there were probably crocodiles and we might get trapped by the water. After a bit of convincing they changed their minds. not long later we were bored being in the middle of nothing land. The cold forced me to buy red and grey stripey leg warmers from a little stand that was on the corner. The road led to a spa several miles away, dreaming about being in the spa, we walked on. Vicky was completely covered in clothes and I was freezing. Only a few months before I had a conversation with my old house mate, Adam, about swearing. He bet me that I couldn´t swear mid-conversation without people noticing, because it´s so out of the norm of my personality. We were talking about warmth and Vicky was cosy so I said you´re a lucky bitch. Her and Ellie gauped at me open mouthed. Adam was right, it just sounds like an insult when I swear. It could have been my whimpy sniffy half smile cold but even my explanation of why I sweared didn´t loosen them, oops better not do that again. Freezing, we said goodbye to an incredible purple orange sunset and seven dogs.

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